What Is The GMAT?
The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is often used by business schools as part of their criteria for admitting candidates into an MBA program or other graduate business programs.
The GMAT is designed to test problem-solving abilities in mathematics and the English language. As part of the test, the GMAT features an Integrated Reasoning section, which assesses test-takers’ potential to make decisions, use verbal and quantitative reasoning, and solve problems in the real world.
How Is The GMAT Structured?
The GMAT consists of four sections:
- Analytical Writing – Measures the ability to analyse arguments
- Integrated Reasoning – Measures reasoning based on multiple sources, the ability to interpret graphics, and other analytical skills
- Quantitative – Measures the capacity for problem-solving and data sufficiency capabilities
- Verbal – Measures reading comprehension, critical reasoning skills, and sentence correction
How Is The GMAT Scored?
Separate scores are given for each of the test’s four sections, which form the basis of a total score that ranges between 200 and 800. The scores are based on a computer-adaptive grading model. The GMAT uses software that adjusts the difficulty of questions to test-takers’ individual skill level. Generally, as a candidate answers questions correctly, the level of questions becomes more difficult.
Where And When Can I Take The GMAT?
The exam can be taken at test centers worldwide. Appointments can be scheduled online. After changes introduced in July 2015, test-takers are only allowed to take the GMAT once every 16 calendar days (previously, this used to be 31 days) and may not take the exam more than five times within a rolling period of 12 months. Candidates who receive the maximum score on the exam have to wait for five years before they can retake the test. GMAT scores are valid and can be reported for five years.
What Study Guides and Courses Can Help Me Prepare?
We have compiled a selection of the best GMAT books and GMAT prep courses. Moreover, if you are interested in additional resources, you can browse all available GMAT books or check out our collection of free GMAT practice tests.